•The Ouachita board of trustees has now officially approved the Enviormental Stewardship Policy, which can be viewed at home.obu.edu/green.
• The semi-annual Tiger Serve Day is scheduled for Saturday Sept. 27. More information can be found at www.obu.edu/elrod/TigerServe.asp.
•Junior athletic training and biolody double major Amber Lee was awarded two scholarships at the Southwest Athletic Trainers’ Association’s (SWATA) Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium.
•All students are welcome to attend the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which holds regular meetings and notifies students of time and place via e-mail.
•Alaskan govenor and Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s personal e-mail account was recently hacked. Screen shots of personal e-mails and family photos were posted on various gossip Web sites. The FBI plans to investigate.
•A school bus driver, thinking her bus was empty, became so shocked when a sleeping student awoke, that she ran the bus into a home.
•On Oct. 1, NASA will reach its 50th anniversary.
Correction: In last week’s The Signal a sports photograph misidentified No. 9 on the Tiger football team. No. 9 is Mark Cain, a punter, who is a red-shirt sophomore on the field.