Welcome home to the party that won’t blare racist comments and delete their emails! Just kidding, of course not all Democrats and Republicans do that. However, a lot of people feel something similar to this about our nation’s two most prominent parties. They are disappointed in this year’s election and are just wishing for someone other than these two party candidates to step up.
Well luckily we have you covered. The third party candidates have your back. We welcome you with open arms. You don’t think you’re a die hard conservative or liberal? Perfect. We’ve got Johnson, Stein, McMullin and a ton of other candidates that could help you voice what you believe. Third party candidates just want to expand America’s horizons further. If you really would like a change in politics, a third party vote is just that! America has never had a third party candidate win the presidential election, and that could be a seriously needed change!
So you might ask, why would I vote third party if I know Trump or Clinton will win? Because you will voice your true opinion. Most elections involve the “lesser of two evils” mentality. People vote for who they think will do the least amount of harm. This is especially true of the current election. However, the main thing to remember is, the lesser of two evils is still evil, per say. Do not sell out your personal beliefs for a candidate you do not actually side with on most issues.
The majority of America do not want Clinton or Trump to win the presidency. This election cycle at best has been called a “reality television show.” Americans see that we are not happy with the current election process, but we feel as though we do not have a way to fix it. But here’s the thing, we do! If America would vote third party, we would elect that much needed new person. Why only vote for one these two candidates, that may not hold your beliefs, when you could vote for someone you actually believe in?
Realistically, none of the third party candidates may win this year’s election, but this would be a major step in the right direction for America to voice the change that we want. America does not want to be divided into two groups. We want choices. We want freedom from restrictions. Everything is not black and white. America is colorful and innovative. We want someone just as diverse as our country as a whole. There is so much gray area that we care about in the “black and white” world of two party candidates. Let us not lose our voice in the chaos of this election.
Third Party is where people go when they do not fully believe in the policies of both the Republican or Democrat Party. It’s where we go when we realize we have freedom. Exercise the rights that your fore fathers gave you and vote for who you believe has the best character, beliefs, and policies. Get behind someone you actually believe in. Be fired up about politics. Those elected into public office will run our country. They will make decisions for us and our families. Do we not want people that we trust to be the ones making huge decisions for us? You have options. Now, you do not have to vote third party, but at least give us a chance. We’re pretty moderate and understanding people, hence our names suggest.
By: Elise Cobb, Guest Writer