By Sara Patterson, Editor-In-Chief
May 11, 2022
I am a unique case on the Signal staff.
While many would assume that I study communications, I’m actually a Christian studies major. When I considered how I wanted to end my time as Editor-In-Chief, I knew I wanted to publish something that had significance to not only myself, but also to the college as a whole. The Pruet School of Christian Studies has a rich history and a lasting legacy, and it quickly piqued my interest to document this unique moment in the school’s life.
I am not alone as a student impacted by the school’s outstanding faculty. Nine of the Pruet professors have served on staff for decades, and their work has impacted generations of students. This experience is not only reserved for Christian Studies majors, either. Bible Survey and Bible Interp are two of Ouachita’s more unique core classes that a majority of students do not come in with concurrent credit for. Because of this, nearly every student touches the school of Christian Studies in one way or another.

It is hard to put into words exactly what makes the school so remarkable. This must be because it comes down to a combination of so many things. The school is one of the top evangelical publishing institutions, the professors take scholarship seriously while also serving faithfully in and even pastoring local churches, and the course offerings relate to the student’s personal spiritual life while also providing a balanced and biblical approach to important issues.
In 2022, the school is facing bittersweet ends and exciting beginnings. Dr. Danny Hays retired after 29 years of service and was replaced by current dean, Dr. Jeremy Greer. As many of the professors begin looking back on nearly full careers of faithful service, there is much to document, and the Pruet story does just that.
I invite you to explore this virtual tour of the Pruet experience, told through feature stories on the faculty members whose tenure has spanned over many years, a facts page on the school’s history, and quotes about the school’s impact from students and faculty and staff.
This project would not have been possible without Levi Dade and the photo lab, who provided all of the pictures in the story, the Christian studies students who graciously agreed to interview and write the faculty feature stories (Levi Dade, Lydia Dean, Katelyn Harris, Alex Moore, and Jael Winterholter), and my Signal staff who obtained quotes from Christian studies students.
I hope this story impacts you. To any prospective student sensing a call to ministry, I encourage you to look no further than the Pruet school. To current Ouachita students, I hope this piece gives you the behind-the-scenes information that you’ve always been curious about. To the Pruet faculty and staff, consider this a letter of thanks from your students. We are better because of you.
Signing off,