Speer Writing Center offers hands-on writing assistance

November 15, 2007

The Speer Writing Center is a place where students can go for assistance in writing. The center has tutors who are qualified to help students in all aspects of writing.

Students have received help with English, Liberal Arts papers, science papers and even some journalism assignments.

According to Labin Duke, a junior Christian studies major and tutor at the center, the majority of students who come in are freshmen Composition I students. These are the students who have to take and pass the composite exit exam before they can continue to subsequent classes.

Assistance is not only for freshmen, though. “We can help with all types [of writing] at any stage of the process,” Duke said.

Tutors at the center are recommended by professors based on grades and works of the student. The student will then submit an application. Tutors are selected by Rosemary Flora, lab supervisor and adjunct instructor in English.

Sara Monroe, a junior accounting major, just started tutoring this semester. She said that it’s been a good learning experience for her.

“It makes you learn how to explain things,” said Monroe. “You can have 10 people who all need things explained differently, so you learn how to explain it in 10 different ways.”

Another tutor, Anna McKenzie, a junior English major, enjoys being able to help people.
“It’s good when people know why grammar is important,” she said.

The center has policies to follow as to how much help a student can receive. The center can help with the following: help students understand assignments, read students’ work at any stage, help students learn to proofread and edit, provide constructive feedback and prepare students for the composite exit exam.

The tutors at the center cannot type students’ papers or proofread and edit students’ papers.

The end of the semester is generally the busiest time for the center. This time in the semester is when students are completing papers for various classes and freshmen are concerned with passing the composite exit exam.

Some students see the writing center as a helpful tool. Braden Chapman, a freshman with an undeclared major, said, “What I don’t get in class, I can do in [the writing center].”

Other tutors include Brandi George, a sophomore chemistry major and Caleb Quick, a senior mass communications major.

The tutors have set days and hours and students can request a specific tutor if they have found one who has been helpful.

The Center is located in Lile 122 and is open Monday through Thursday from 5 to 9 p.m. and Fridays from 1 to 2 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome. Students may also call for an appointment at 870-245-5381.

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