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Snowy thoughts make for good thinking

February 1, 2018

Last night, after coming back to campus and finally getting all of my too many clothes unpacked, I walked outside to a continuous series of snowflakes parading down onto my face. I was then greeted by many friends who I had not seen in a month, but whose warm hugs and smiling faces made up for the lost time.

As we ventured out across campus, throwing snowballs and gliding across the streets like figure skaters, I had the time of my life. After this incredible night of fellowship, I was reminded of how blessed I was to be back at my home away from home. Not only was I blessed to be coming back to OBU to pursue my passion in communications, but I was blessed to have such amazing friends.

Just like the freshly fallen snow brought big smiles to our faces, I am positive that this semester God will continue to bring me his unparalleled joy. However, am I ready and able to receive this joy?

So many times in life, we focus on the negatives, and most of the time these things are small and insignificant. We must come to a point where we ignore what doesn’t matter. Life is too short.

Just a month ago, we were packing up our bags after our last finals and driving the familiar route home for the millionth time. We expected the break to be relaxing and restful, but for many of us it was busy and somewhat chaotic. Then, in a blink of an eye it was over. Now, we’re back here starting yet another semester.

What will this semester look like for you? Are you ready to pursue Jesus more this spring? What are your expectations for the year?

No matter if it’s your last semester or just your second, life is short and our time at Ouachita is even shorter. How are you going to make this semester count? How are you going to make your life count?

While being focused in the present is extremely important, we will have a life outside of Ouachita someday. Can you say that you are using this time at Ouachita to prepare for this new life ahead? College is meant to be fun and exciting, but it is also a built in four years of preparation before plunging into adulthood.

So, regardless of what year you’re in or what your major is, stop and take a moment to appreciate your time here. Reflect and decide if you are using this time beneficially, and make sure that you are not wasting these precious years God has given you on this earth. Make sure every minute counts. Go play in the snow and make everlasting memories. Go to class and actually study. But, most importantly, live life the way God would want you to.

By Ethan Dial, online editor

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