Q&A: Students Discuss Studying Abroad

March 10, 2013

Asaf Moreno (Spain)

Moreno_Asaf_Little Rock_AR_3_OUD5-00589Signal: Since you are already an international student to Ouachita, what made you decide to study in Spain?

Moreno: Since freshman year, the idea of studying abroad got stuck in my head, but I didn’t think I could afford it so I didn’t do anything about it. Two years later, some of my best friends were planning to study abroad and I decided to look into it. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it. I wanted to travel and see a different culture.

S: What would you say to someone considering studying abroad?

M: Do anything you can to study abroad. It is definitely worth it. You will grow so much as a Christian and as a person. You will also have a new perspective of the world and a new appreciation of home. And you will get to experience things you never thought of before.

S: In what ways is it helpful to have other Ouachita students with you while you study abroad?

M: It has definitely been a blessing. When you are in a different country by yourself, you can get lonely. Even though we don’t all live together it is good to know that they are still here and they are going through the same thing. Whenever we miss home we can just go to McDonald’s together.

Molly Turner (Austria)

Turner_Molly Anne_Sherwood_AR_3_OBU4-00849Signal: What is your major and what are you studying in Austria?

Turner: The semester here in Austria is split up in two parts. The first 6 weeks we all take German 1 and Understanding Austria. After the first 6 weeks we have a two week “independent study,” or spring break period. The second half of the semester I am taking German 2, History of European Art and Printmaking.

S: What is the biggest difference between the university in Salzburg and Ouachita?

T: The university of Salzburg is specifically for American students. The college this semester only consists of 16 students, including 5 from OBU. The college is small and is in a building in the middle of old town. The main difference would be that it is mainly experience focused. We go on a lot of excursions as a group to learn about different aspects about the culture and the country. It’s a fun way to learn and very practical.

S: What do you miss most about Ouachita this semester while you’re away?

T: The thing I miss the most about Ouachita is the community. I love the size of Ouachita’s campus and how everyone treats each other. I miss the family that the students create at OBU and how encouraging the atmosphere is.

Emily Terry

Emily Terry is a junior majoring in Mass Communications. She is the Editor-in-Chief of The Signal.

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