Coach Harrison (Alex Kendrick), Amy Harrison (Shari Rigby) and Hannah Scott (Aryn Wright-Thompson) talk strategy before a track meet. (courtesy of the "Overcomer" film website)

‘Overcomer’ makes another home run by The Kendrick Brothers

September 30, 2019

“Overcomer” is a film about John Harrison (Alex Kendrick), a basketball coach expecting to have the best season the school has ever seen. Just when things are going great the town’s oldest manufacturing plant shuts down production, moving to another town, allowing all of their employees to follow. This causes people to quit their jobs at the school, kids to transfer, and leaves a basketball coach without a team. The school’s principal, Olivia Brooks (Priscilla C. Shirer), is forced to put teachers into new roles including John who is now the cross country coach. When only one girl shows up to tryouts, Hannah Scott (Aryn Wright-Thompson), John is ready to throw in the towel when Principal Brooks reminds him that every student matters. He accepts the challenge of coaching a girl with asthma in her dreams of winning 1st in state for cross country.

This film is a very strong, well done film. The cinematography is phenomenal. The combination of aerial camera angles along with running shots makes this film stand out from some of the other Christian films. The storytelling is unparalleled to any other film The Kendrick Brothers have produced. This story shows the hard truths of the decisions we make and how it impacts others around us.

“Overcomer” is so emotional that it is near impossible to hold back tears. The soundtrack and score help create an immersive experience for the audience. This film  does not only witness to Hannah Scott, but to everyone in the theatre. It feels as if Priscilla Shirer is having a personal conversation with you when she is witnessing to Hannah. This film shows how hard teachers work every day for their students and how sometimes they have to do things that they were not trained to do, so that a program stays alive.

The film has a few plot twists that make this film stand out in such a way that raises the bar for this genre of movies. The actors were exceptional in their roles. However, there were a few scenes that did feel a little forced with that acting. At a few places it did feel like the writing could have been improved. However, it did not take away from the overall quality of the film.

Overall, “Overcomer” is my favorite Christian movie that The Kendrick Brothers have made! This film is an emotional rollercoaster that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end of the movie, wondering how everyone’s story will end. It is a refreshing change of pace for Christian films everywhere.

This is not the typical melodramatic, Christian film that ends at a concert with everybody singing. While it does have a great ending, it shows the hard realities that sometimes life is not fair, but God is always with us. I highly recommend this film for anybody. This movie is a must see in theatres, not just to see a movie, but to support a film company that upholds values that align with Ouachita. I rate this film 4.5 out of 5 tiger paws!

By Wyatt Ashlock, staff writer 

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