Ouachita will be hosting a blood drive for the Global Blood Fund on April 10 through April 11 in the Tiger Den between 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Students who want to donate must sign up in the Evans Student Center or the cafeteria. Students who donate must bring their photo ID.
Each donor will receive a complimentary T-shirt, health screenings and donor reward points. If students wish to not receive the T-shirt, the funds will be sent to the Global Blood Fund instead.
“Donating blood takes about 10 minutes of your time and it saves lives,” said junior musical theater major, Lauren Linton. “However, the blood you give doesn’t last very long, so it’s important to keep giving each year.
“It’s just another way we can help someone else and you never know whose life you might save. Be a super hero, save lives.”
For more information about the Global Blood Fund Blood Drive, contact Bob Woodall by calling him at (501) 282-6072 or through email at bwoodall@obi.org.