Photo take by Natalie Moore

Mark your calendars: Ouachita Dance Company choreography showcase

September 12, 2024

By Emily Howard, Staff Writer

From April 25-26 2025, in cooperation with the Festival of Christmas the week before finals week, Ouachita Dance Company will host a choreography showcase, open for all students to audition.

Senior musical theater major, Amaya Hardin, is looking forward to co-directing the showcase again this year. “We are entirely student-led with a faculty sponsor, Ms. Jennifer Maddox,” Hardin said. “Our goal is to provide space for student creativity. Even if you are not someone who normally enjoys watching dance, there’s always something you’ll find that you enjoy, and I love that about our company showcase. Essentially, it is a recital featuring dancers and choreographers of various experience levels. We audition different dancers and choreographers each Spring to encourage new people to participate.”

Ouachita Baptist University students and professors strive to inspire and contribute to the blossoming of its students’ independence, as well as foster their creative side, inside and outside of the classroom. One way they work towards that goal is the choreography showcase, which gives students an opportunity to be a dancer, choreographer, or both, of a showcase.  

It is not limited to just one specific skill set, however.  There are various different levels of each type of event. The showcase offers different options for students to audition for, depending on their preferences and schedule.  

“The choreography showcase allows students to choreograph pieces for a program they might not normally get the opportunity to do,”  Mac Ricks, musical theatre student said.  

“You can audition to be a choreographer, or dancer, or both. At the end of the semester, we put the dances together and have our show,” said Chloe Jamora, a co-director of the showcase.

There are no requirements for auditioning, besides just showing interest and showing up. There are also limited rules regarding the style or music if fitting. It gives students a safe space to collaborate with their peers without the stress and pressure that competitive sports and teams can bring.   

“In the past, we have had dramatic ballets immediately followed by a tap piece about Scooby Doo characters,” said Ricks, “There is so much for everyone to enjoy. Every semester our audience has told us repeatedly that it is so much fun, and they love what we present.” 

The showcase is not limited to musical theater or dance students either. Anybody can audition!

“Personally, neither of my majors have anything to do with the performing arts, but since dance has been such a big part of my life, the choreography showcase is a low-stakes and fun way for me to continue doing what I love,” said Jamora, “Dance is freedom, self-expression, entertainment, and is always an enjoyable experience!  

The choreography showcase is not only open for all students to audition, but also for all students to come watch.  

“Supporting small shows like ours is a great way to show the importance of dance. Choreography showcases are rare outside of cities like Little Rock, so if people are interested in seeing shows like ours, they now do not have to travel as far to see one,” said Jamora.  

The choreography showcase is a new insertion to Ouachita’s vibrant culture and inclusivity and an example of the independence displayed throughout the school.  

“We got the idea my freshman year after a choreography class showcase. [We wanted] to put on a more consistent showcase for all students, not just those in the Musical Theatre field,” said Ricks.

“The Choreography Showcase was inspired by a class called Musical Theatre Choreography. The class was only offered every other year, so we created this event! Essentially, it is a recital featuring dancers and choreographers of various experience levels,” said Hardin. 

The Ouachita Dance Company also partners with the School of Performing Arts in the Fall semester to produce The Festival of Christmas and hosts an independent showcase in the Spring.  

“The showcase occurs every Spring and we audition different dancers and choreographers each time to encourage new people to participate,” said Hardin, “We always end up having various styles of dance that connect via subject matter! We also open the pool up to all majors! We are not exclusive to the Theatre or Dance department!”

While the choreography showcase does not occur until the spring, mark your calendars for the Festival of Christmas to get a taste of these dancers’ talent and hard work.

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