Kappa Chi ready for cookout on Friday after Tiger Tunes – The OBU Signal

Kappa Chi ready for cookout on Friday after Tiger Tunes

October 2, 2015

This Friday, October 2, the Men of Kappa Chi will be hosting their an- nual Kappa Chi Cookout immediate- ly following Tiger Tunes. There will be burgers, music and dancing for the whole campus as everyone gets together to celebrate Homecoming week.

The free event takes place on Tiger Alley in between JPAC and Jones Sci- ence Center. The event is designed for the public and tunes participants, alike, to put Tiger Tunes aside for a few hours and just come together for a time of fellowship and festivities.

The event, which has been popular among the student body for years, will begin immediately following the Friday night performance. As partic- ipants in Tiger Tunes and audience members exit JPAC, they will be wel- comed into Tiger Alley, where fresh drinks and burgers will be available for free. Their will be a live DJ and dance floor as well.

“Honestly we just want people to have a good time. We grill burgers, we play music and we just hang out together as one group instead of dif- ferent social clubs,” Richard Burke, a junior history and political science major from Hot Springs and presi- dent of Kappa Chi, said. “It’s a good

time for everyone to enjoy the night and just relax. We know how import- ant Tunes is for everyone involved and we want everyone to just put that away for a few hours and grab a burger, hang out and maybe dance some.”

Although it takes place immedi- ately following Friday night’s per- formances, the event is not limited to those participating in Tiger Tunes. The whole student body is invited and even encouraged to come. The purpose is to have a safe and fun place for everyone to hang out after the excitement of the Friday night shows, without having to go off cam- pus.

“I went to Kappa Cookout last year and I thought it was fun because you got to see all your friends after Tunes in a more relaxed atmosphere,” Mad- die Brodell, a sophomore Mass Com- munications major from Little Rock, said.

Last year, over 600 people attended Cookout, and this year, the Kappas expect just as many.

“We want this to be a huge en- vironment where people can have a blast,” said Dixon Land, a senior mass communications major and Christian studies minor. “It is one of my favorite times of the year to be a kappa because everyone just enjoys getting to spend time together.”

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