“At the opening chapel, I got to speak to the students- my first appearance before them. After that first service I walked over here [Cone Bottoms] and MaryLacey said, ‘Oh Dr. Wright have you seen the tweets on your chapel?’ I said, ‘Uh no, I don’t tweet.’ She said, ‘Oh you have got to see these. I’ll make a copy of them.’ And so she did and there was about 55 tweets and 5 of them essentially said the same thing: ‘I would have loved to have had him as my grandpa.’ I laughed about that and then I thought that is sweet. That meant a lot to me, you know, first shot out of the gate.”
Dr. Charles Wright
Interim President/ Development Officer/ Dean of School of Music
43 years
Arkadelphia, AR
Photo By: Marissa Pilcher