Freshman group is the latest Tunes addition

September 25, 2011

Tiger Tunes is one of the most anticipated events in Ouachita campus life. Not only does it provide a medium to raise funds for student scholarships, but it allows students to work together to practice and perform shows for the cause. This year, Tiger Tunes will be marked by the addition of a freshman group, something that has not happened in the show for a long time.

“The idea originated in a conversation last fall after we realized we had so much interest from freshmen and limited opportunity for their participation,” said Rebecca Jones, the Ouachita Student Foundation (OSF) sponsor for the group and instructor of speech communication.

“Because it seemed that the interest was so high last year, Student Services, Campus Ministries and OSF staff and students met to consider the possibility of adding a freshmen group to Tunes. We thought there would be a strong response and we were really excited by the number of students who decided to participate.”

The freshmen will be allowed to compete in Tunes because they are officially recognized as a campus entity and they have a university sponsor, unlike the Fourth Floor Guys group in the 2009 show. Their theme will be the Oregon Trail. The group includes about 70 freshmen and they practice Monday through Wednesday on campus from 8-11 p.m. and on Thursdays from 6-9 p.m. They also have a weekend work day.

“I think it’s incredible for more freshmen to be able to participate,” said David Sypult, a sophomore business major and member of Kappa Chi. “It gives the Kappas more competition and cause to make our show even better.”

Although Sypult did not sign up last year, two of his friends did and were unable to participate because of the limited opportunities available for freshmen.

Brandon Vining, a freshman history and secondary education major who is participating in the freshman group, has never been to a Tiger Tunes show.

“After talking with people from Ouachita and seeing it online … I couldn’t resist [the opportunity],” he said.

Vining also felt compelled to participate after he learned that OSF uses the money for other students.

“As someone who is here because of very generous scholarships, I know the value of things like Tiger Tunes to ensure that this incredible school is available to others in the future,” he said.

Freshman music and mass communications major Tyler Rosenthal knew he wanted to be involved in Tunes however he could.

“I’ve attended the last two Tiger Tunes shows and both looked like so much fun,” he said.

With both of his majors and his involvement with Ouachita Sounds plus Tunes practice during the week, Rosenthal has found that developing time management skills is a necessity, as other freshmen might be intimidated by such a schedule.

“Having enough time for everything as a college student is difficult enough as it is; my schedule is very tight and sleep is always appreciated,” Rosenthal said. “What has to stay in the forefront of the mind is the end result. Everything will be worth it once the groups start to take their places and the lights hit the stage.”

Junior English major and group director Jessica Scoggins applied through the Campus Activities office spring semester of last year. In a general interest meeting held in Berry Chapel, more than 100 freshmen came.

“We were shocked at how many freshman were interested,” she said.

As director, Scoggins is involved in every step of the show. She said that practice is the least time-consuming activity eclipsed by prop and costume making.

“That being said, my team is absolutely amazing,” she said. “Sam Cummins and Chad Bullington choreographed the whole thing with just a little input from me. My head of costumes, Danielle Wilson, has been in my room sewing with me every chance we get. Jake Coffman, who is in charge of musicality, has done an amazing job figuring out parts and working out the pitches. So while I’ve had a hand in all of the show construction, my leadership team has been a huge part of the entire process.”

In working with the freshmen, Scoggins noted their enthusiasm and willingness to work hard.

“They have totally taken every note and critique in stride and worked so hard,” she said. “They seem to love the show, and take a lot of pride in the whole thing. They’re incredible.”

Picture by Jason Pullano.

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