CFW Profile: Jarrett Davis Band

January 31, 2011

Aspen Grams with the Online Signal interviewed Jarrett Davis of the Jarrett Davis Band. Jarrett Davis is a 2010 graduate of Ouachita Baptist University. He currently works as the student worship pastor at First Baptist Church of Benton, Arkansas. You can follow the Jarrett Davis Band on Twitter.

AG: Who was your biggest supporter during college in doing what you’re doing now?
JD: My parents have always been huge in believing that the Lord would do incredible things in me and through me if I would stay true to Him, His word, and the calling He’d placed on my life, and for me, that’s huge! Also through college I worked at FBC in Benton and the entire staff, especially Clay Cunningham and Dr. Rick Grant were an immeasurable support.

AG: You led refuge every once in a while during college. How does it feel to be stepping back on the stage as an alum?
JD: It’s an honor, but extremely humbling. There is so much talent and heart both in current students at OBU and in the alumni, so the fact that they would ask us to help serve and lead is a very exciting.

AG: What do you hope the students will take away from your performance during CFW?
irst I hope they would NEVER see me or the guys as performers. If you know us personally, you would know that we would be terrible entertainers!! We just want students to approach the throne with confidence and to acknowledge who God is here and now and in their lives. When believers meet with God, when they experience His love, grace, and mercy, they can’t help but be filled with life that overflows. We just want the Holy Spirit to do whatever necessary to see this happen; we’re hoping we get to be an instrument for that!

AG: What’s your favorite band?
It would either be Needtobreathe or The Daylights

AG: What’s your favorite pizza topping?
JD: I love everything on Pizza…the more the better!

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