Dark comedy, six characters, a play rehearsal and about 30 Ouachitonians. The common link? Luigi Pirandello’s “Six Characters in Search of an Author.” Tweet…
ARKADELPHIA, Ark.—The long, hard weeks of practice put in by many Ouachita students finally paid off in spectacular Tiger Tunes 2009 performances. Thursday, Oct.…
ARKADELPHIA, Ark. The Battle of the Ravine, Ouachita Baptist University’s 101-year-old rivalry football game against Henderson State University will be held on Saturday, Nov.…
ARKADELPHIA, Ark.- Ouachita Baptist University’s Division of Music will present Tyler Burleson, a senior church music major from Camden, Ark., in a senior vocal…
ARKADELPHIA, Ark.- Ouachita Baptist University’s TRIO Program will host the annual TRIO Family Day Saturday, Oct. 24. Activities for prospective high school students and…